Beautiful yachts are the thoroughbreds of the seas. But, like all thoroughbreds, they can be quite highly strung and demand care and attention. And let’s be honest, they don’t look after themselves. They need someone to feed and water them, and perform all the other things both large and small to keep them in perfect running order. Even if you’re only using your yacht yourself, it’s important to keep on top of it. If you like your yacht to help earn its keep by chartering, it’s essential.

You can of course take a ‘hands-on’ approach and look after all the normal management issues that occur on a day-to-day basis yourself. Actually, that can be a huge amount of fun – doing that sort of thing has been our day job for years. However if you don’t have the luxury of all the time required, it can be a hassle. Should something go wrong those hassles multiply, especially if you don’t have the local knowledge needed to solve the problem at your fingertips.
With the world rushing by at an ever-increasing pace, that’s why so many yacht owners are taking a hands-off approach and outsourcing their yacht management to specialist professionals who, in time of need, can deliver an ‘all hands on deck’ service 24/7/365. In our case we can do that just about anywhere around the 15,000 km of coastline of Greece and her islands.

A great cruise experience depends on having the right crew, but crewing is another area that needs attention to detail that can take up a huge amount of time – especially if crew members get ill or injured or simply ‘jump ship’ unexpectedly. If you’re sailing in Greece or the Eastern Mediterranean – it’s always good to have connections with a managing agent who can hook you up with top people at short notice.
Chemogalo is the Greek word for ‘smile’. But if things go wrong, particularly if you’re in a back-of-beyond mooring in a small harbour, there’s every chance somebody will lose their sense of humour. As ever local knowledge is your biggest asset – and if you don’t have it yourself the next best thing is ‘fixer’ who can leverage an entire network of contacts and pull strings and favours to put the smile back on your face.

When you sit down and think about it, when you deconstruct all the things it takes to make sure every cruise is plain sailing, it takes a huge amount of work behind the scenes to ensure a great passenger experience.
It’s easy for us to make it sound simple as we’ve been managing yachts and superyachts as a family business for over 50 years. But it’s taken us half of that to build a network that stretches across the Aegean and Ionian, and beyond. Look at it this way, you wouldn’t take a thoroughbred into the jungle without a guide. Don’t set sail without making sure you have the right sort of back-up in place.
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